Parrocchia S. Giacomo Carrara

by OpenClick Srl



Our Parish App is presented to everyone, parishioners and friends, near or far, as a "Window" on the life of the Community.In this way, everyone will have the opportunity to know what the "Family of Families", the local Church is doing to "be missionary", which life choices are priority, which pastoral projects have been and will be put in place for an Evangelization in a New way. …, As indicated by the Directory for Evangelization and Catechesis of 2020."What I tell you in the darkness, say in the light, and what you hear in the ear, preach on the rooftops" (Mt 10:27). These are the words with which Jesus invites the apostles to communicate the Gospel message to everyone, and it is the spirit that guided the Pastoral Council, in the choice of adding a parish app alongside traditional communication tools.It is the local Church that, in this way, "tries" to get out of itself to go to the peripheries and "squares" of life.